
ESG Compliance in 2024

Dive into the world where ethical practices meet profitability and learn how to navigate the new standards shaping the future of business. Discover why companies like yours must adapt to thrive in an era where sustainability is not just valued—it's demanded.
Flip Vermeersch

As we step into 2024, the significance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliance in the global business landscape has reached unprecedented heights. Far from being just another trend, ESG has become a fundamental aspect of corporate responsibility and a key driver of financial performance. This guide delves into the essence of ESG compliance, unraveling its importance and necessity for businesses of all sizes in today’s rapidly evolving world.

The landscape of ESG compliance has been dramatically reshaped by a confluence of global events. The COVID-19 pandemic, along with concerted green recovery efforts in major economies like the U.S., EU, and China, has highlighted ESG's role in addressing new financial risks and directing capital markets towards sustainable practices. Bloomberg estimates that global ESG assets could surpass $53 trillion by 2025, accounting for more than a third of the projected total assets under management. This surge reflects a fundamental shift in how investors and stakeholders evaluate corporate value and risk.

In Europe, the movement towards rigorous ESG standards is gaining momentum. The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group has crafted a set of standards aligned with EU policies, with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This directive is expected to impact around 50,000 companies, necessitating detailed reporting on various aspects like carbon footprints, sustainable practices, and diversity levels. The data will be standardized and made accessible through national business registers, ensuring transparency and accountability.

While the EU strides forward with stringent legislation, the approach in the United States has been more voluntary and market-driven. However, with increasing focus on climate change and environmental sustainability, a shift towards more regulatory responses seems inevitable. This evolving landscape underscores the critical need for businesses to not only understand ESG compliance but to embed it within their core operations and strategies.

ESG certifications, serving as validations of a company's commitment to environmental and social standards, are becoming indispensable. These certifications play a pivotal role in building trust among customers, investors, and partners, and are crucial in navigating the complex terrain of global business.

In this context, ESG compliance is not just about adhering to regulations; it's about embracing a forward-thinking approach that aligns profitability with sustainability. As we delve deeper into what ESG compliance entails, we'll explore its impact on businesses and why it's an essential component of success in 2024 and beyond.

What is ESG Compliance?

At its core, ESG compliance means ensuring that your business operations and strategies are in harmony with practices that benefit the environment, contribute positively to society, and are governed with transparency and ethical integrity. This approach to business is not only about making decisions that are good for the planet and its people but also about enhancing your company's long-term sustainability and ethical standing.

Key frameworks like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) provide comprehensive guidelines to help businesses systematically report and monitor their ESG initiatives. By adhering to these standards, companies can effectively track their ESG journey, demonstrating their ongoing commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices.

However, ESG compliance isn't just about following guidelines; it's also about adhering to a growing body of global regulations. From the regulations set forth by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to various international directives, these rules are designed to ensure that businesses maintain certain standards in their environmental and social operations. Keeping abreast of these regulations is crucial for businesses to avoid legal complications and uphold a strong, positive reputation in the global market.

Thus, ESG compliance represents a multifaceted commitment - it's about aligning with both the spirit and the letter of sustainability and responsibility, ensuring that your business stands on the right side of today's environmental and social challenges.

ESG importance for investors

Investors are increasingly prioritizing ESG compliance when making investment decisions. This shift is driven by a growing recognition that companies with strong ESG practices tend to be more sustainable and profitable in the long term. Here's why ESG is becoming a critical factor for investors:

Risk Mitigation: ESG-focused companies are often seen as lower-risk investments. Businesses that proactively manage environmental risks, cultivate positive social relationships, and maintain strong governance are less likely to encounter costly legal issues, reputational damage, or operational disruptions.

Long-term Performance: There's a growing body of evidence suggesting that companies with robust ESG practices deliver better long-term financial performance. This is attributed to efficient resource management, innovative approaches to sustainability, and the ability to attract top talent.

Responding to Climate Change: Investors are increasingly aware of the risks associated with climate change. They're looking for companies that are actively reducing their carbon footprint and are prepared for the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Social Responsibility and Brand Value: Socially responsible investing (SRI) is on the rise, with many investors wanting to support companies that have a positive social impact. ESG-compliant companies often have stronger brand values and customer loyalty, which can translate into financial success.

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting: As regulations around ESG disclosure become more stringent, investors are increasingly using ESG compliance as a criterion to assess a company’s readiness to meet these evolving requirements. Transparent and comprehensive ESG reporting is becoming a key factor in investment decisions. This aspect of governance includes adhering to regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which emphasizes the protection of personal data and individual privacy rights. Read our article on GDPR and biometrics as an example.

Diversity and Inclusion: Investors are also focusing on the ‘S’ in ESG, which includes diversity and inclusion within companies. Businesses that promote diverse leadership and inclusive practices are seen as better positioned to foster innovation and understand diverse consumer bases.

For businesses, attracting ESG-focused investors means demonstrating a genuine commitment to ESG principles, not just in words but in measurable actions and outcomes. This involves not only aligning with current best practices but also being prepared to adapt and evolve as ESG criteria continue to develop.

Getting Started with ESG

Embarking on your ESG journey requires a thoughtful approach, beginning with identifying where your business can make the most significant impact. It's essential to develop a clear ESG policy that reflects your company's values and objectives, and actively involves stakeholders to align with their expectations.

Formulating a coherent ESG strategy is the next critical step. This means not only setting specific, actionable goals but also seamlessly integrating ESG practices into your overall business strategy. The focus should be on taking meaningful steps that genuinely contribute to environmental and social improvements.

Compliance with ESG goes beyond mere goal-setting; it involves a deep understanding of the regulations that are relevant to your business. Start by thoroughly researching and comprehending these regulations. Then, focus on collecting precise and reliable data about your company's impact on the environment and society. Utilizing this data, establish realistic and scientifically grounded ESG objectives.

This process of getting started with ESG is about creating a roadmap for your business that combines compliance with genuine commitment. It's about taking those first crucial steps towards a sustainable and socially responsible future.


It’s clear that this isn't merely a fleeting trend or a box-ticking exercise. It’s a profound transformation in how businesses operate and are perceived in the global marketplace. ESG compliance has evolved into a vital facet of conducting business, integrating ethical, environmental, and social considerations into the very fabric of corporate strategy and operations.

This journey through the various aspects of ESG compliance – from understanding its fundamental principles, recognizing the importance for investors, to embarking on a practical ESG journey – has revealed the depth and breadth of its impact. Businesses that embrace ESG are not only committing to do good for the world but are also positioning themselves for long-term growth and success.

As we stand in 2024, it’s inspiring to witness how sustainability and business goals are increasingly aligning. Companies are now recognizing that their financial well-being is inextricably linked to their environmental and social footprints. This alignment is not just reshaping businesses but is also redefining the landscape of investment and consumer expectations.

In embracing ESG compliance, businesses are not only safeguarding their future but are also playing a pivotal role in steering our world towards a more sustainable and equitable future. It’s a journey that goes beyond compliance and profitability – it's about redefining the essence of success in a world where business and sustainability are no longer separate paths, but one unified journey towards a better future.

Flip Vermeersch

Head of Marketing

About the author:

"Don't shoot the messenger!" While Flip might not claim to be an expert himself, he's the bridge between you and the industry's best minds. He dives deep, chatting with specialists to bring you the freshest insights on everything from biometrics to business continuity. He deciphers the complex, making it relatable and digestible. Beyond insights, Flip's also the voice behind NineID's updates. Always eager for a chat, he's open to collaborative content ventures. If you're keen on the latest in security or teaming up, Flip's your guy.